When Rotary International celebrated 100 years of service it asked each of the
32,000 clubs in over 200 countries to select a specific
Centennial Project for their community
In celebration of this special occasion the Mount Pleasant Rotary Clubselected a mural to be painted on abuilding in the downtown area. After design ideas were presented to the members of the Mount Pleasant, Rotary Club's Centennial Committee President-Robin Sharp,Isabel Smith, Sara Neal,
Stan Crandall and Kay Bayfield, a design was chosen and work soon began on the mural
"The reason we selected that wall is because of the War Memorial
and the Bell Tower being right across the street," Sharp said. "We feel it would
really enhance that part of the historic downtown area"
"Rotary has had a long history of supporting the towns that they are in and
we want to make sure that we continue to support the communities we're in
and let more folks know about Rotary and what we do."